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JKUAT Staff Enhance AI Expertise at Microsoft Educators Bootcamp

By |January 29th, 2025|Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Certiport, Education Transformation, Kenya, Microsoft, News|Tags: , , , , |

Date: December 20, 2024 Link: JKUAT Staff Enhance AI Expertise at Microsoft Educators Bootcamp - Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to reshape industries, [...]

Cybersecurity in Kenya: Navigating Challenges and Seizing Opportunities

By |May 24th, 2024|Categories: Blog, Career, Cyber Security, Kenya|Tags: , , , |

Kenya stands at the forefront of Africa’s digital revolution, with its vibrant information, communications, and technology (ICT) sector growing by an average of 10.8 percent annually since 20161. However, this [...]

How to Tell if Social Media Is Harming Your Mental Health

By |November 16th, 2023|Categories: Blog, News|Tags: , , |

While social media is an excellent tool for staying in touch with friends and family, finding communities based on interests and communicating quickly, it can also negatively impact mental health. Seventy-two [...]

Children’s Online Safety

By |July 14th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |

June 15, 2022Teresa SiqueiraLink: is integral to a child’s life. They will see it everywhere from birth and will inevitably grow up using it. It can be extremely educational, [...]

Measuring Development 2022: The Role of Mobile Data in Global Development Research

By |May 12th, 2022|Categories: Blog, News|Tags: , , |

It is nearly impossible to participate in the modern economy without mobile devices. Over 6 billion people have access to smartphones, and the use of sensors to measure things [...]

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